Trauma Release
BRTT® is a technique that helps your body naturally release tension stored in the body.
Do you ever feel the tension stored in your body? You may feel this due to physical complaints, such as headaches or neck and back problems, high shoulders, tight feeling, pressure in the chest or other complaints. This may be due to, for example, stress, busyness, overwhelming situations you have experienced or traumatic experiences from the past.

How does it work?
This technique targets your psoas, the muscle at your hips that connects the top and bottom - it's the first muscle you tense during stressful situations. A lot of tension is stored there. Think of clenching your buttocks, having a hollow back or bad posture. All of these can be related to stored tension in the body .
What is the theory behind this?
By activating the psoas, vibrations are set in motion. To make it easier to understand, I will give you an example. When you are startled, what do you do? That's right, you shake! That is a natural processing mechanism for stressful or overwhelming situations. In this way, we process the shock and can continue. Only we adults no longer do this so much and so extremely. We shake it off briefly or get medication and then continue our day. Your mind forgets, but your body remembers. Another example is nature. Just look at what a prey does after the predator has left. It also shakes off the shock. It is a NATURAL reaction, also for us as humans.
Who is it for?
For everyone from 6 to 80 years old. There are contraindications, I will tell you more about that as soon as you are interested.

She created such a beautiful and safe space to let go and go deep within. I would highly recommend her to anyone who is hesitant to participate in their first breathwork session.
How exactly does it work?
During a TRB® session I will guide you through seven different breathing techniques. These techniques help you to relax, calm down, and create an interaction between thoughts, feelings and emotions. This process brings you into a kind of trance, in which you come into deep contact with your subconscious.
What is the theory behind this?
The combination of different techniques takes you deep into your subconscious. This offers you the opportunity to release and process stored tension, emotions and traumas. It is not a one-time-fixes-all, because your body has been storing tension since the development of your nervous system. The breathing techniques help you to go deep within yourself and get in touch with your body and subconscious, which can have a deeply liberating effect. This process stimulates a healing effect, in which everything that comes up can be safely released under professional guidance.
Who is it for?
For everyone from 6 to 80 years old. There are contraindications, I will tell you more about that as soon as you are interested.