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Trauma Release

Trauma does not immediately mean that something very intense has happened to you. Small trauma also exists that can unconsciously have a great effect on the here and now. We all unconsciously carry trauma with us. Trauma in your body can cause you to be triggered in the here and now by situations, sounds or people. Then you just do not react the way you might have wanted to react. Or you feel something stuck in your body or physical pain.

Trauma Release Therapy can help you with this.


Trauma Release Techniques

Body Remembers Trauma Therapy (BRTT®) and Trauma Release Breathwork (TRB®) are powerful, body-centered forms of therapy that help people process and release deep-seated trauma, stress and overwhelming experiences. These innovative approaches recognize that our bodies have an indelible memory of profound events. When faced with traumatic or stressful situations, our bodies instinctively respond with a fight, flight or freeze response. If these reactions cannot be fully lived out or processed, the tension remains “trapped” in our bodies, so to speak. These unprocessed experiences lodge in our muscles, connective tissues and even in our nervous system. Over time, this stored tension can lead to a wide range of physical and mental complaints. These include chronic pain, fatigue, anxiety, depression, sleep problems and even autoimmune diseases. Often people are unaware of the underlying cause of their symptoms because conscious memory may have repressed traumatic events. BRTT® and TRB® offer a unique approach to releasing these stuck tensions. Through targeted exercises and breathing techniques, the body's natural release mechanisms are activated. This allows the body to release stored tension in a safe and controlled manner. The result is often surprising

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